M6 【wifi版】超高頻 四端口RFID讀寫器 Thingmagic產品簡介:
M6的封裝達到 IP52 標準,可以防止塵埃入侵、防水,適合工業(yè)環(huán)境、戶外、惡劣的應用環(huán)境使用。
詳細產品參數請進銓順宏官網:任何瀏覽器下,查找 FUWIT。
Mercury6 high-performance 4-port RFID Reader
The Mercury?6 (M6) is a low profile, high-performance 4-port RFID reader designed for both indoor and outdoor applications. Driven by ThingMagic’s powerful Mercury6e UHF RFID reader module, the M6 Power over Ethernet (PoE) and WiFi options allow for flexible, low cost, installations. With full support for ThingMagic’s enterprise-class MercuryOS software, M6 is compatible with both corporate IT infrastructures and sheltered outdoor environments.
Building on the ease of use, reliability and enterprise-grade performance ThingMagic products are known for, the M6 offers a low-profile form factor, rugged service operating capabilities and the industry’s highest transmit power for a Power over Ethernet (PoE) capable reader. These features make the M6 well suited for enterprise, commercial and industrial environments where high performance in a wide range of operating conditions is required.
為進一步簡化解決方案的開發(fā),M6 供貨時附帶有 ThingMagic MercuryAPI應用軟件,它包括有高層次軟件開發(fā)界面,使用 Java 和 C# 語言。這種可編程應用軟件界面、所有 ThingMagic 固定式和內置式 RIFD 讀取器都有配置,可以為客戶提供通用的平臺。通過這個平臺用戶可以開發(fā)出高水平適合自己需要的產品。當然這些產品的開發(fā)離不開ThingMagic 公司豐富的RFID讀取器技術。
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